Author: Rob

  • Searching in MySQL with PHP

    Creating a PHP script to search through a MySQL database and display the results, is a fairly simple task. Using the MySQL LIKE and NOT LIKE operands, we can find specific values within our database tables.

    MySQL gives us the ability to search for terms exactly as they are entered or close to what is entered by using the percentage % or the underscore _ character.


  • PHP MySQL Count Rows

    So, you are looking for a simple way to return the number of entries returned from a database query.


    This command counts all the rows currently defined by the database query and returns this value.  The best way to use this command, is while saving it the a variable.



  • PHP assign contents of a script to a variable

    Say you would like to include the content of script in your code.  By passing the variable to the script and returning this value, you can create a truly dynamic entry for your code, without any duplication of effort.

    Here’s the breakdown:

    1. Use an output buffer
    2. Start the output buffer
    3. include the file with the passed variable
    4. store the buffered content in a variable
    5. stop the buffer.


  • Wimpy Player Javascript Control Functions

    This page contains a description of available JavaScript controls functions for Wimpy Rave. For more information about how to set up Wimpy Rave, see the “Overview” page.
