Tag: invoice

  • How to change the vTiger CRM PDF layout

    Files used to generate the PDF


    // Has thing like change items per page and the $bottom variable

    // This script retrieves data and assembles parts of the PDF

    // Files in this directory contain parts of the PDF (header, footer, and last page)


    // Files in this directory contain body parts for invoices, sale orders, and quotes

    // This script contains the functions related to layout of invoice PDF’s, such as font size, font style, font color, as well as other settings.  !!Be careful – always copy your original file and edit the copy.

    // The main body of the invoice. This is the file specified in modules/Invoice/CreatePDF.php You can copy and rename body.php to like body-rev1.php, and edit it as you please, call it out in CreatePDF.php and tweak from there.

    // vtiger 5.0.4 The main body of the invoice. This is the file specified in modules/Invoice/CreatePDF.php You can copy and rename body.php to like body-rev1.php, and edit it as you please, call it out in CreatePDF.php and tweak from there.

    General layout editing


    • The x,y,width is specified for the bubble size and position
    • The numbers can be aligned by deleting spaces in the output lines
    • Since CreatePDF.php controls the output for header.php, footer.php and

    body.php, move pieces from footer to body if you like, align them and play with the alignment.

    • Check for commented out items regarding sales tax in CreatePDF.php and body.php
    • I added comments from the invoice to the pdf invoice by adding it in CreatePDF and body.php – used mysql to verify the field names were right and it showed up right the first time.

    Changing the formating

    Text alignment


    Alignment is controlled by values in an array named “$colsAlign”. For exemple, to center the values in column ‘Total’, change

    $colsAlign[“Total”] = “R”;


    $colsAlign[“Total”] = “C”;

    Set font and size

    FILE: vtiger/include/fpdf/pdf.php

    Change the line:

    $this->SetFont( "Helvetica", "", 8);

    To whatever you want. There is line for each element in the invoice/quote. One for the table, one for address etc. With the exception of a bubble block which as the names suggests is the block with rounded courners.

    Change alignment of company logo

    FILE: modules/Invoice/pdf_templates/header.php

    To change the alignment of the company logo you need to to go to and change the figures in line 17:

     // ************** Begin company information *****************

    Radius of box curves

    FILE: vtigercrm/include/fpdf/pdf.php

    Replace ALL values 2.5 and all values 4.5 with a new number greater than 0 i.e. 1.0

     $this->RoundedRect($r1-16, $y1-1, 52, $y2+1, 2.5, 'DF');

    Changing the structure

    Stop the last page from printing

    FILE: vtigercrm/modules/quote/CreatePDF.php

    Change the following:

     // would you like and end page?  1 for yes 0 for no

    Change to $endpage=”0″; and this will stop the final page from printing.

    Vertical lines

    FILE: vtigercrm/include/fdpdf/pdf.php

    FILE: vtigercrm/include/fdpdf/templates/body.php

    The lines and columns may be changed in the /include/fpdf/templates/body.php file.

    Ans:The lines between 39 and 59 are for the columns width. The lines from 90 change the contents and the form of the total block To modify the vertical lines have a look at the ./include/fpdf/pdf.php file (from line 328).

    Change the products per page

    FILE: /include/fpdf/pdfconfig.php

    Change the $products_per_page=”6″ variable to whatever you want. This will change it in quotes and invoices. You may also need to change the $bottom variable to inlarge the table.

    Change the size of the main table

    FILE: /include/fpdf/pdfconfig.php

    Change the $bottom variable

    Stop an Item from printing

    Basic php use // to stop a single line of code from running, if you need to stop a whole segment put a */ before and a /* after.

    For example to stop the contact name from printing you would change:

    // Contact Name block
    $pdf->addRecBlock($contact_name, "Contact Name",$conBlock);


    // Contact Name block
    //$pdf->addRecBlock($contact_name, "Contact Name",$conBlock);

    This way do not have to delete as you may change your mind.

    Add in product comments

    FILE: vtigercrm/modules/quotes/CreatePDF.php

    On line 153 you want to replace this:

    $product_name[$i] = $associated_products[$i]['productName'.$i]

    with this:

    $product_name[$i] = $associated_products[$i]['productName'.$i]."\n-".$associated_products[$i]['comment'.$i];

    Custom Fields in PDF

    You must change your createpdf.php

    Just after populating datas you can add this kind of code. It has been made in order to select customized fields cf_531, cf_545, cf_501 and include them in invoices


    $add_query = "select vtiger_accountscf.* from vtiger_invoice, vtiger_accountscf
    where vtiger_invoice.accountid=vtiger_accountscf.accountid AND invoiceid=".$id;
    $result = $adb->query($add_query);
    $num_rows = $adb->num_rows($result);
    if ($num_rows == 1)

    Then you can modify your footer or header and include the value of the fields.

    Alternative PDF versions

    Alternative invoice and quote pdf template are available based from different community contributions:

    – see here


    – see vtiger Forge at http://forge.vtiger.com/projects/crm-now-pdf/