The No Code Programming Revolution: Empowering Everyone to Innovate
Discover how the no code programming revolution is democratizing tech, empowering diverse creators to innovate without limits.
Innovative Website Design: Beyond Looks to User Experience & Engagement
Discover six innovative dimensions of website design that enhance user experience, functionality, and creativity beyond mere aesthetics.
Elevate Your Digital Strategy with the Wonders of Website Automation
Explore how website automation can revolutionize your digital strategy with innovative tools, tactics, and insights for success.
Windows Vista, 7, 8 Freezes and My Mouse Moves, but can’t Click Anything
Having troubles with your Windows computer? Does it seem to freeze up, when you need it most. The problem that prompted this article is the following: The computer boots past the bios screen, and Windows starts. Sometime between the login screen and the desktop, some of the computer functions freeze. The mouse icon moves but…
Free Website Thumbnail Generator Code
Ever wonder how certain websites are able to capture a thumbnail snapshot of your website and post in in their directory listing? Well, wonder no longer. Below, is the generator code to create the thumbnail image above: http://open.thumbshots.org/image.pxf?url=http://promokeychain.com replace the http://promokeychain.com with your own url and you will have an image of your own website.
How to change the vTiger CRM PDF layout
Files used to generate the PDF /www/vtigercrm//include/fpdf/pdfconfig.php // Has thing like change items per page and the $bottom variable /www/vtigercrm/modules/Quotes/CreatePDF.php // This script retrieves data and assembles parts of the PDF /www/vtigercrm/modules/Quotes/pdf_templates/ // Files in this directory contain parts of the PDF (header, footer, and last page) /vtigercrm/include/fpdf/templates/ // Files in this directory contain body…
BIOS Beep Codes
PC (Personal Computer) BIOS POST Beep Codes When your computer starts, you normally hear a rather cheerful beep that signals the beginning of great computing events to come. This cheerful (also referred to as long) beep is part of your computer’s start-up diagnostic routine, and signals a successful hardware and memory check. This process is…
Convert a Drupal 5 theme to version 6
So you fell in love with a Drupal theme, but it just wasn’t ready for Drupal 6. What now? This is a step by step procedure for bringing your old theme into the new Drupal format. What’s New Themes now have .info files Theme registry Theming through template files Template management New template files (.tpl.php)…
Cron and crontab tutorial and examples
Cron Example 0 8 * * * php /home/yoursitename/public_html/admin/froogle_us.php This example uses ‘php’ to run the osCommerce google base feed aggregator ‘froogle_us.php’, located in the ‘/home/yoursitename/public_html/admin/’ absolute directory, every day at 8am. 0 8 * * * translastes as 0 (minutes) 8 (hour) * (every day) * (every month) * (every weekday)
javascript previous page link script
This handy peice of code allows users to browse back one page. <a href=”javascript:history.go(-1)”>